set linesize 999 set pagesize 50000 set feedback 1 set trimspool on set trimout on select instance_name ,round((sysdate-startup_time),1) up_days ,(select cpu_count_highwater from sys.v_$license) cpu_count ,round(round((sysdate-startup_time),1)*24) maximum_cache_hours ,round((round((sysdate-startup_time),1)*24)*(select cpu_count_highwater from sys.v_$license)) available_cpu_hours from v$instance / col sql_text format a700 trunc col pct_total format 990 compute sum of sql_statements on report break on report select cpu_time_log10,sql_statements,cpu_time_rounded,round(cpu_time) cpu_time ,100*ratio_to_report(cpu_time) over() pct_total,round(sum(cpu_time) over (order by cpu_time_log10)) running_cpu_time ,100*ratio_to_report(cpu_time) over() pct_total,round(round(sum(cpu_time) over (order by cpu_time_log10))/60/60,2) consumed_cpu_hours from ( select trunc(log(10,((case when cpu_time <= 0 then 1 else cpu_time end))/1000000)) cpu_time_log10,count(*) sql_statements,power(10,trunc(log(10,((case when cpu_time <= 0 then 1 else cpu_time end))/1000000))) cpu_time_rounded,sum((case when cpu_time <= 0 then 1 else cpu_time end)/1000000) cpu_time from v$sqlarea where upper(sql_text) not like 'BEGIN%' and upper(sql_text) not like 'DECLARE%' group by trunc(log(10,((case when cpu_time <= 0 then 1 else cpu_time end))/1000000)) ) a order by a.cpu_time_log10 / compute sum of cpu_seconds on report break on report select trunc(cpu_time/1000000) cpu_seconds,trunc(elapsed_time/1000000) eplapsed_seconds,round((sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'rrrr-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss'))*24) hours_in_cache,executions,sql_text from v$sqlarea where upper(sql_text) not like 'BEGIN%' and upper(sql_text) not like 'DECLARE%' and cpu_time/1000000 > 100 order by 1,2 / select plan_table_output from ( select sql_id,sql_text from v$sqlarea where upper(sql_text) not like 'BEGIN%' and upper(sql_text) not like 'DECLARE%' and cpu_time = ( select max(cpu_time) from v$sqlarea where upper(sql_text) not like 'BEGIN%' and upper(sql_text) not like 'DECLARE%' ) -- cpu_time/1000000 > 100 ) A ,table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(a.sql_id)) /